Author Quotes
- 1.
The real richness and power comes, not from the amount of money, but from our connection to ourselves and one another.
- 2.
Children sense the truth.
- 3.
It’s hard to imagine what might hurt when you’re on the other side of the fence.
- 4.
People’s assumptions often have nothing to do with the person inside.
- 5.
Home is the place of belonging.
- 6.
It might be possible to make things happen the way you want if you are having enough fun.
- 7.
Something about a door invites one into the mystery of new possibilities.
- 8.
Mystery is just a few inches below the surface.
- 9.
Unresolved pain repeats itself.
- 10.
Adversity opens the door to resilience.
- 11.
What we take from our mother is not always what we want.
- 12.
Prayers remind us to set aside time for being and reflecting in the midst of so much doing.
- 13.
Listening… is… the most important part of my work.
- 14.
Attention comes and goes. Love is forever.
- 15.
Marriage is like clay. You have to keep it moist and knead it or it will crack and lose its malleability.
- 16.
It’s easy to be vulnerable to anger. It’s another thing to be vulnerable to love. That’s where the real mystery begins.
- 17.
Love does not always come in an immediately recognizable form, but it’s in the sky above, the earth below, and the air around us.
- 18.
Trust cannot be bought or bargained for. It has its own timing, which evolves like the relationship that nurtures it.
- 19.
Mothers are the same everywhere. New life depends on us.
- 20.
Listening is the first step to preserving the world for the next generation.