Tag Archives: nature

Before It’s Too Late…

When temperatures rise above freezing during the day but still drop below at night, trees in the northeast take this as a signal to wake from their long winter sleep. Sap rises, coursing up through their trunks. For those of … Continue reading

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Loving The Snow

If you live in the northeast you might have had enough snow by now. But yesterday morning it was so beautiful I just had to write about it.

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Advice From My Mother

I’ve had a lot of time to think this past week while lying around recovering from pneumonia. Most of the time my mind has been blank, but as I regained strength I began to think of how to better take … Continue reading

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Stay Open To It All!

The title of this blog borrows from a poem in Space Between called “The Way.” It turns out to be good advice, especially when traveling.

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It’s Here

I am delighted to announce that my new poetry book, Space Between, is now available! You can find it at the following vendors today, with Amazon distribution coming soon.

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The Thread of Poetry in the Span of Life: Announcing ‘Space Between’

I’m happy to share some exciting news!  

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Revisiting Beauty

A friend recently gave me John O’Donohue’s book, Beauty, and it helped explain why beauty is so important to me. If you have read my memoir, perhaps you recall the last paragraph about beauty: “We can own a photograph, or … Continue reading

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          Nature has been on the rampage lately. Wildfires, earthquakes, and hurricanes have kept the weather in the news and prayers in our hearts. Thankfully, all the people I know in Florida have survived unscathed. Here’s … Continue reading

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Phelps Lake

I was in Wyoming a few weeks ago and had the chance to visit my uncle’s former ranch, whose land he gave back to the public as “The Laurance S. Rockefeller Preserve”.

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Embodying Autumn

I have always had mixed feelings about autumn. As a child, it meant packing the freedom of summer into memory and dreading the impending homework that came with returning to school. Until I went away to North Country School, at … Continue reading

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