Migration in most animals is precipitated by changing seasons and natural rhythms, including food, weather, and breeding. I marvel at how whole species can move long distances without even the help of a car, train or plane! I thought about this yesterday as I flew across the country.
Songbirds fly thousands of miles to their winter headquarters, and Monarch butterflies store fat from flower nectar for their long flight and generational migrations to Mexico.
I learned the other day from the “Naturally Curious” website with Mary Holland –highly recommended for nature lovers– that male hummingbirds leave first for their flight south, followed by females, and finally by the juveniles. There must be some reason but as yet it is one of many mysteries of how life works.
If we saw a map for each species migration pattern, like we do for airplanes, we would be amazed by their reach.
While there is much that could be said on migration, and the recent articles on human migration pull at my heartstrings, I want to pause with you to simply honor the miracle of life in this season of change.
As the days grow shorter and leaves fall to earth, there is so much beauty to behold.
Light against dark is a fundamental paradox of life as each brings the other into stark relief. Look at the branch above, naked in its skeletal frame, and notice how much brighter are the leaves below.
What if you looked at your day that way? How would it shift for you?
The birds in flight,
Migrate just right.
The butterflies spread their wings,
Such delicate little things.
The leaves know when to fall,
The stars when to shine.
Our world is precious,
Yours and mine.
Sweet. Thanks Phyll.
Nature beguiles, takes, gives and barks.
It howls, buzzes and sings all day and night.
Nature colors the skies, land, mountains and sea.
Nature knows no prayers, so it is up to “thee”…
Speak for nature.
Whisper her name and listen–she glistens.
Yet another poet shares! Thank you too, Elaine.